Welcome to Year 2

Class Teacher – Miss Dove

To find out more about the class routines and curriculum, please visit the Class Information page. We also have some really fun resources and activities on the At Home page, click the images above.


Class News

On this page and via Class Dojo we will share class activities and events throughout the school year.  Please see below for more information about Class Dojo and how to join us.

Class Dojo – The Class Dojo App works via tablets, smart phones and computers and is free to download. Using this system we will be able to share images of your child and their work and we look forward to opening our classroom. If you would like to join, download the Class Dojo App or click the image to open by a web browser, create a parents account, tap add child and enter your child’s code. If you don’t have a code, please contact us by email and we will happily send it to you.

Year 2 Information

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The class PE lessons are held on Wednesday and Friday.  Children will need to have their PE kit, for details please see our School Uniform page.


Year 2 Curriculum

Information about the subject we teach in School can be found in our Subject Areas.

Please see the Year 2 Parent Leaflet for details of the end of year expectations for children in Year 2.



We read regularly with all children and books can be changed on request as needed. Please speak to a member of Year 2 staff.



At Holy Family we use the Sounds-Write phonics programme to teach our children to read, spell and write.



The children will each have a Sounds-Write Decodable Reading Scheme book. They will also be given a ‘Read With Me’ book to read at home. These books are to be read with your child, they have phonetically decodable words and some less familiar words as well.  The idea is that these books are used to support reading and provide some variety.

Below are some strategies you could use at home:

Read with me.

Read aloud together – by modelling fluency, expression and tone of voice and allowing children to see new vocabulary will enhance their reading.

Read to me – let them read known words and you fill in the gaps.

My turn, your turn – read a page, line or even a word each.

Look at the pictures and tell a different story.

Ask questions – What might happen next? I wonder why? Who are they? Where are they going? What is …?



We follow the National Curriculum for Maths, supported by (but not exclusively) the White Rose Maths scheme.  Children in Year 2 are encouraged to start practicing their times tables and will be given access to Times Tables Rock Stars to help them begin to develop their knowledge of multiplication and division facts.



STEM Learning

The link below is for some home based STEM learning activities.  STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics.  On their website there are activities connected to a range of different subjects, please take a look.

Primary STEM Resources


Learning Challenge!


Monster Fun!

It’s story time with Tom Fletcher and these little monsters.  Click the picture below to find out more.


Recommended Reads


Visit the Oxford Owl page for more book ideas and ebooks.



Online Fun!

Please try some of these fantastic online resources for learning, revising or just for fun!

As children are spending more time on devices and online, please see below some links and resources about staying safe online.  Further information and guidance is also available on our Online Safety page.